The Hidden Dangers of Consuming Dairy!





You have heard it said from television ads and doctors that, “You mustconsume one to two glasses of milk daily, to get the calcium you need for strong bones and teeth!” The question that still needs to be answered by the medical and nutrition community is, “If milk is so good for you and does a body good, then, how come people who consume milk or any source of dairy daily, are still breaking bones, and getting degenerative disease like osteoporosis? There are a few things you need to know about dairy that is not being talked about by the medical Read more »

Myths Concerning Athletic Performance


If you have spent any time in the health and fitness field, chances are you have heard about what it takes to get bigger, faster, and stronger. Professional athletes are bigger, faster, and stronger today than they ever have been in histories past, however, many athletes today spend more time recovering from injuries, and their careers are getting shorter and shorter. You may find yourself in this dilemma as well. Read more »

Never Diet Again!

When you turn on your television, chances are you will see an advertisement related to weight loss. There are many diet fads out there for you to choose from, however, these programs are only designed for weight loss; not for optimal health, and for the prevention of disease. These diet programs are based on a macro-nutrient perspective that primarily focuses on portion control and calories derived from protein, carbs, and fats, leaving out the most important factor, “micro-nutrients!” The foods you primarily eat lack the micro-nutrients your body needs to lose weight permanently and prevent disease. Therefore, this leads you and many others to experience what is called, “The Emotional Roller Coaster Effect.” These programs cause you to loss weight for a short duration of time, only to gain it back when you fall off track. Leading you to feelings of burn out, continual frustration, and emotional failure. This is why so many people give up on nutrition and go back to their old ways of life. Plus, some of these programs require lots of time and energy measuring out portions and counting points. Read more »

The Five Core Essentials for Health and Longevity!

Obesity Trends


(As you read the article you can click on the images to learn more)

In the modern world today, we are experiencing a health crises that involves more and more people being diagnosed with auto immune diseases, cancer, degenerative diseases, heart disease, diabetes, etc. What most people may not know is that most of these disease conditions can be prevented. The allopathic medical model teaches us that we are victims of our genes and that certain illnesses are inevitable. A new branch of genetic research called, “epigenetics” is teaching us the contrary. Epigenetics teaches that you have the ability to shut off bad genes and turn your good genes on via a life filled with good nutrition. Here are five core essentials you can do to begin the journey towards better health and longevity!

First, you must begin drinking water. The new recommended amount you should drink daily is 1/2 oz to 1 oz of water per pound. This is what the Eastern world is teaching about hydration. Research from the Japanese literature is also showing that you should be consuming ionized, antioxidant, and micro-clustered water like Kangen water, the only certified medical ionizer in the world. Water with these properties occurs naturally in high glacial mountain regions around the world where people are living the longest and healthiest. Water not only sustains life, but it also gives life! Like the glacial water sources, Kangen ionized water has these life giving properties you need daily, therefore, assisting metabolic processes and preventing disease in your body. As you can see, water is not created equal, therefore, water coming from the tap, bottled, reverse osmosis, and distilled are unhealthy sources because the life giving properties are often missing in these water sources, plus, they are acidic and have many harmful contaminants in them. Read more »

Reducing your risk of heart disease


Dr. Beth recently wrote that Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and Canada. Most of us know someone who has suffered from cardiovascular disease.Lifestyle factors play a major role in reducing your and your family’s risk of stroke, heart disease, and other cardiovascular problems. That’s why I tell my patients to exercise regularly. I also suggest that they take Juice Plus+ in addition to eating a healthy, plant-based diet.Several published clinical studies have shown that Juice Plus+ positively impacts important indicators of cardiovascular wellness.

  • In a study published in The Journal of the American College of Cardiology in May 2003, for example, researchers at The University of Maryland School of Medicine found that people who consumed Juice Plus+ were better able to maintain the elasticity of their arteries, thus improving their blood flow – even after eating a high-fat, fast food meal.
  • A clinical study of Juice Plus+ at The University of Sydney in Australia reported a reduction in levels of an amino acid called homocysteine; healthy levels of homocysteine are associated with good cardiovascular health. The Sydney results were published in The Journal of Nutrition July 2003.

Dr. Beth is a Nutritionist and a Medical Professional, but she is also a parent and a realist. Like her, I know that most of us don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables, in a variety of colors – especially not every day. Juice Plus+ is an elegant, effective, and proven way to add powerful nutrition to your diet.

Watch Dr. William Sears, M.D.’s explanation by clicking here.

To Your Good Health

To Learn More Click Here

Tower Talk: Growing Our Own, with Tim Blank


My associate, Dr. Beth Ley had the opportunity to recently read about Tim Blank (whose bio is available here). Her article is reprinted below:
I would like to share with you the amazing Tower Garden, and some of the reasons why it’s fun, affordable, and worthwhile to begin to grow your own produce. In this issue, I’ve summarized some of Tim’s key points about why hydroponic growing in your own yard is “beyond organic”, and you can’t get much more local.


Tower Garden's Tim Blank


Tower Garden has teamed up with Juice Plus, and you are able to order a Tower Gardens now. In the meantime, my goal is to share as much as I can with you all about the delights of growing your own food. One important thing to remember is that, as people take Juice Plus, they literally develop a greater desire for fresh fruit and vegetables, especially children. The reason that the Tower Garden and Juice Plus, are such an amazing pairing is that people can get all of the benefits of taking Juice Plus, and then turn around and eat the healthy and delicious food that they’ve grown themselves. You can grow the produce you want to eat in your Tower Garden and you can take the rest in a produce supplement – Juice Plus. Read more »

Drinking Kangen Water When You Are Sick!

Drink Kangen Water when you are sick!

When you get sick, don’t take sugary acidic drinks! Drink Pure Alkaline Water to replace Electrolytes.

by KANGEN WATER on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 9:49pm

You Must Stay Hydrated!!The human body consists largely of water — muscle tissue, for example, is a surprising 75%. In the course of a normal day, we lose some of this water, and, like a car with a leaky radiator, if we don’t constantly replace what we lose, we can go from well-oiled machine to wheezing wreck. Everyone has seen television footage of marathon runners stumbling towards the finish line, their disorientation and spastic-like movements clearly indicating an extreme state of dehydration. These graphic images highlight the crucial role that water plays in virtually every bodily process, and the problems that can occur when it is deficient.

But it’s not only masochistic athletes who fall prey to dehydration. It’s very easy, especially in summer, to spend too long playing or working in the sun and forget to replace the moisture lost through even relatively mild exertions. That throbbing headache is the body’s friendly reminder to, “Drink more water next time, dummy!”

Many health practitioners believe that a large proportion of the North American population suffers chronically from mild dehydration. This condition is blamed for symptoms such as fatigue and poor metabolism and it may also contribute to the development of other illnesses, including rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol and blood pressure, and many of the diseases associated with aging.

How could such an abnormal situation come about? A poor diet, deficient in moisture-rich fruit and vegetables, is no doubt partly responsible. Another food-related cause is that people don’t seem to realize they are thirsty anymore: Apparently, 37% of the population mistakes thirst for hunger. This causes them to compound their health problems by overeating. For these people, a simple glass of water may be the best diet they ever tried.

What You Need to Know About HydrationPeople are often surprised to learn that they can lose 2.5 liters of water per day despite minimal activity. Even while sitting on the couch watching television, water is lost with every breath. Obviously, the higher temperatures and increased physical activity of summertime will markedly increase the amount of water that most of us will lose each day.

How much water do we need to drink to be fully hydrated? As a starting point, the Institute of Medicine advises men to drink 3.0 liters (13 cups) per day and women 2.2 liters (9 cups). You should then estimate whether your bodyweight and level of activity warrants more or less than the average person and set that as your daily goal.

What is the best source for our daily water quota? Health authorities advise us to minimize alcoholic, caffeinated, and sugar-rich beverages because of their poor hydrating qualities. Fruit juice is expensive and sometimes sugar-laden. The simplest solution –ordinary tap water –is highly variable: It is often so over-processed that it tastes “dead” and is devoid of any useful nutrients. Conversely, it can be a foul-tasting chemical cocktail. Many turn to bottled water as an alternative, but this is expensive, inconvenient, and a lottery in regard to composition.

So, is there another option available that can provide good-tasting, effectively hydrating water at an affordable price? Yes there is: Kangen water.

The Magic of “Kangen” Ionized Water (Kangen means-return to origin)

Those who have sipped from a clear mountain stream have experienced the sort of water that our bodies have been designed by nature to respond to. The main reason for the refreshing taste of wild, flowing water is that it becomes ionized as it crashes through the countryside, picking up naturally occurring alkaline electrolytes along the way.But it’s much more than just a nice tasting drop that encourages us to fully hydrate. The alkaline nature of this water enables it to act like an expensive sports drink, neutralizing the acids that build up in our bodies due to normal metabolic processes and exercise. The electrolytes also act as antioxidants, scavenging for free radicals that, if left unchecked, progressively degenerate our body tissues.

A Mountain Stream in Your Home

Fortunately, we don’t have to head into the wilderness every time we want to benefit from nature’s perfect hydrating fluid. An Enagic water ionizer is a device that turns ordinary tap water into clean alkaline ionized water –every time the tap is turned on. It purifies and enhances domestic water in a two-step process. First, harmful contaminants are filtered out, and then electrolysis is used to split the flow into two separate streams: ionized alkaline water for drinking and cooking; and ionized acid water for other household uses.

Users of water ionizers often describe the taste as “smooth and silky”. And it’s not only the taste that entices people to willingly consume their full daily ration: many find that their long-lost innate thirst returns after making the switch. This is surely a clue that ionized water is a key to your long-term health.Other users, especially athletes, enthuse about improvements in their performance and general wellbeing since making ionized water their beverage of choice. They believe that the product’s high oxygen-carrying capacity coupled with its ability to rapidly hydrate and treat lactic acid buildup have contributed to their progress.

Modern consumers have become justifiably wary of the hype and unsubstantiated claims that surround many “breakthrough” health products. The benefits and cost-effectiveness of water ionization, however, can be verified by independent laboratory results and comparative tables.

Click Here To Learn More

Enzyme Deficiency Caused By Eating Too Much Cooked Food

One of the major pieces that is missing in the conversation when it comes to the root causes of disease is “Enzyme Deficiency.” There are multiple threads when it comes to what are the root causes of disease, albeit, enzymes and food are most often overlooked! So we will discuss what is an enzyme, where do enzyme deficiencies start, the consequences of cooked food, and how to counteract enzyme deficiency.

“What is an enzyme?” Enzymes are energetic protein molecules and they have an activity. An enzymes protein molecule is the “carrier” for electricity. An enzyme acts upon a substance and changes it into another substance or a by-product, but the enzyme’s identity remain unchanged. When exposed to temperatures higher than 118 degrees (like cooked food), the enzyme is denatured and destroyed, therefore, it loses its designated function. Nothing can exist without enzymes!

“Where do enzyme deficiencies start?” It all starts when we consume food that are cooked above 118 degrees. This means that there is no enzymatic activity in all foods that are canned, pasteurized, boiled, roasted, stewed, or fried. Food processing refining, cooking, and microwaving are detrimental processes that cause dramatic changes in the food we eat. They have rendered our foods enzyme deficient, causing imbalances in our organs and acting as a predisposing cause of disease.

Due to agricultural chemicals and fertilizers, new hazardous irrigation methods, and creating a greenhouse effect on our fruits and vegetables, we have created soil that is depleted of enzymes and minerals, thus, creating produce that is lacking in nutrition. Therefore, requiring us to take supplements to bridge the gap of nutrient deficient whole foods.

“What are the consequences of eating too much cooked food?” Researchers show that cooked food with the fiber broken down passes through the digestive system more slowly than raw foods. Partially it ferments, rots, and putrefies, throwing back into the body toxins, gas, and causing heartburn, and degenerative diseases (cf. Dr. Howell E., “Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme Concept” 1985, Avery Publishing Group, Wayne, NJ). These toxins, especially protein, gets absorbed into the bloodstream and eventually deposits the toxins in numerous body sites far from the intestinal tract, causing acidosis in the blood and tissues, hypoglycemia, weight gain, and obesity.

It has been estimated that 80% of diseases are caused by the absorption of improperly digested foods and their by-products (Kulvinskas V. “Survival Into the 21st Century. 1975, Omangod Press, Wethersfield, CT). Dr. Paul Kouchakoff, who studied the effect of cooking on our systems, found an increase in white blood cells after the ingestion of a cooked-food meal (Proceedings: First International Congress of Microbiology, Paris. Institute of Clinical Chemistry, Lausanne, Switzerland). This increased white blood cell count from eating too much cooked food cause pathological damage to our bodies that may in fact lead to disease.

“How do we counteract enzyme deficiency?” First, eating more raw predigested foods like fruits, vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, sprouts, and sprouted grains. Raw food when primarily digested in the stomach enters into the small intestines it gets absorbed via the “villi” in the wall of the small intestines converting from stem cells to red blood cells. What this means, is that we can slowly regenerate our blood and tissues over time! Second, taking plant based supplemental enzymes at each meal, like Core Health Products. Even vegetarians can benefit from them because fruit and low fibrous veggies have lower enzyme counts, therefore, helping us break down these plant foods more efficiently.

To health and vitality!

John Nardozzi


What are Enzymes and Why we need to supplement them!!

Probably the most overlooked puzzle piece in the health and wellness industry is the emphasis on enzymes. In fact, the wellness industry is not talking about it much at all. The wellness industry is constantly looking for the next best product to put on the market to help people with energy and vitality. However, we are missing one of the fundamentals when it comes to living a healthy long life, i.e. enzymes! I just want to give you a basic overview of what “Enzymes” are, where we get enzymes, and why supplementing with plant based enzymes are necessary for our lives today.

First, “what are enzymes?” The word enzyme is a general term for a protein catalyst made within the cells of a living thing. In other words, without the presence of enzymes, all living things would cease to exist. They are needed for every chemical action and reaction in the body. They are a part of all metabolic processes, from the working of our cells, tissues, and organs, to the functioning of our digestive system, endocrine system, immune system, and every other system. Even minerals, vitamins, hormones, and neurotransmitters need enzymes to be present in order to their own work properly. Enzymes are the true laboor force of the body!

There are three major classes of enzymes: 1. Metabolic Enzymes: that help the blood, tissues, and organs to function. 2. Digestive Enzymes: produced in the body for digestion. The four categories of digestive enzymes are: 1. Amylase: breaks down starch. 2. Cellulase: acts on cellulose (plant fiber). 3. Lipase: acts on fat (lipids). 4. Protease: acts on protein. Each of these four categories include co-factor enzymes too numerous to list, since 3,000 of the 5.000 types of enzymes in the body are located in the digestive system. Therefore, it is important to focus on what we are eating and digesting because it can give us energy and vitality or weigh us down and shorten our lives. 3. Food Enzymes: contained in raw food.

Second, “where do we get them?” We have two sources where enzymes derive from. The first are endogenous metabolic and digestive enzymes that are produced in the body by various organs and tissues. For example, the pancreas secrets digestive enzymes to break down our food. The second source comes from enzymes found in raw plant foods.

Third, “why do we need to supplement with digestive enzymes?” I tell people if they eat raw food 100% of the time, they really do not need digestive enzymes, unless they want to break down their fruit or low fibrous vegetables in greater capacity to get more nutrient absorption from those foods. In fact, vegetarians can benefit from them because of the lack of abundant enzymes in certain plant foods. Most people need them because any time we cook a food above 118 degrees, the food is what we call “dead food.” This means the food cannot be digested in the body because the enzymes in the food are no longer present, therefore, putting stress on the body by taking our metabolic enzymes throughout the body to assist our digestive enzymes to break our food down. This puts stress on our blood and vital organs over time, leading to faster aging. This is why I recommend taking digestive enzymes at each meal, so we can reduce stress on the body, break our food down, and utilize the nutrients in the food without taxing all our metabolic enzymes in the body. We know vegetarians usually live the longest and are some of the healthiest people on the planet. It is due to eating enzyme rich foods and allowing the blood and organs to regenerate from the raw foods they eat! To live long and healthy in today’s world, we must eat more raw foods and take plant based enzymes, like the Core Health Pack, when eating cooked food!

To life and longevity!



Why pH Balance the Body!

Why pH Balance the Body!

Why pH Balance?

by KANGEN WATER on Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 11:52pm
Our blood pH should ideally by 7.365.
At this slightly alkaline pH level our bodies function optimally, but like gravity, we are continuously pushed towards acidity from the food we eat. Even if we consume perfect food, the digestion process will always create organic acid wastes which we will need to remove.1. Long term acidity is like rust; it corrodes our tissues, veins and arteries. It interrupts all cellular activity from the beating of the heart to the way we think.2. Slightly alkaline blood pH ensures that micro-organisms remain in harmony with the body. When the pH becomes acidic there is a lack of oxygen which causes a proliferation of antagonistic, anaerobic microforms to appear. The acidic body becomes a breeding ground for germs, fungus and viruses. They consume the food we eat and leave us more acid waste excrements!3. Acidity coagulates blood and clogs up the capillaries. Over-acidity interferes with life itself, leading to virtually all sickness and disease including heart attacks and cancer, premature aging and obesity.
4. Our 75 trillion cells are slightly acidic within and are surrounded by slightly alkaline interstitial fluid around them. This polarity is essential for chemical or energy interchange, and is lost with acidity – one reason why so many people lack energy.5. Acidic pH interferes with mineral absorption. We will receive no iodine unless the body pH is almost perfect and calcium is very difficult to absorb with an excessively acid body.
6. Excess acidity weakens all our systems and forces the body to take minerals from vital organs and bones to buffer/neutralize the acid and safely remove it from the body.
The body creates cholesterol (fatty deposits) to safely store deadly crystallized acid wastes away from vital organs of liver, heart and kidney. ‘Obesity is an acid problem, the fat is saving our lives’ explains Dr Robert Young.Dr Lynda Frassetto, acid/alkaline researcher found in a study involving 1000 ageing subjects that we are now stockpiling acid in fatty deposits.
I hope this article helps to show you why pH balance is important because over-acidity in the body leads not only to weight gain, fatigue, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, an overly acidic inner terrain in the body is the perfect environment for degenerative diseases, auto-immunne diseases, mental disorders, and even cancer. Helping the body get to a balanced pH you need Kangen alkaline, anti-oxident, and micro-clustered water, along with an alkaline nutrition program, eliminating yeast/fungus out of the body, eliminating heavy metals out of the body vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. You will experience an overwhelming revitalization with your body if you take these steps to regain your health and vitality.