Too Much Animal Protein and Disease!

When you talk to most physicians, trainers, or nutritionists, they will tell you that the key to sustained weight loss is a diet high in animal protein, moderate to low in carbs, and low in fat. So you begin to eat larger amounts of animal proteins in the form of dairy, chicken, red meat, and fish as the staple of your daily meals. Eating this way will lead to weight loss and lean muscle growth, albeit, what these health professionals are not telling you, is that, a nutrition plan high in animal proteins will lead you down the path towards disease and early aging.

You may be thinking: Well, I have been eating this way and I have seen results, therefore, if it is working, I am gonna keep doing it! Besides weight loss and increased muscle growth or strength/size, ask yourself this question: “Does this kind of eating regimen prevent disease? There are many physicians who specialize in nutrition science that will tell you that eating too much animal protein is toxic for the body and is leading to chronic diseases, i.e. Dr Hiromi Shinya, “The Enzyme Factor;” Dr Colin Campbell, “The China Study;” and Dr Fuhrman, “Eat to Live.” There is a clear connection that a nutrition lifestyle that has animal proteins as the staple food, increases the risk of disease, increased aging, and possibly early death.

So what are the dangers in consuming too much animal protein?

For starters, when you cook these animal foods, they lose their enzymes needed for proper digestion, therefore, animal proteins do not completely digest in your intestinal tract. As you continue to consume dairy and meat, the undigested food begins to accumulate in your colon and begins to decompose. This produces large amounts of toxins, such as, hydrogen sulfide, indole, methane gas, ammonia, histamine, and nitrosamine. In addition to these toxins, free radicals are produced. In order to detoxify these toxins, large amounts of enzymes are exhausted in the liver and intestines.

The amount of protein needed daily is about 1 gram per 2.2lbs of body weight. However, many people consume a lot more than that daily. Over consumption of animal protein will be excreted out of the body via urination, and causes much harm to the body. These excess proteins are converted into amino acids by digestive enzymes in the intestines and are broken down further by the liver before entering the bloodstream. This creates an acidic environment in the bloodstream, therefore, large amounts of calcium are drawn out of your bones and teeth to neutralize the acid. The calcium and oxidized food are then filtered through the kidneys, with the excess protein getting secreted, along with, water and calcium.

As you can see, eating excess animal protein, will eventually make your blood and tissues acidic, exhaust enzymes in the body, de-mineralize bones and teeth, create intestinal problems, increase toxicity, etc. Over time, this pathophysiology of eating this way, will more than likely lead to sickness, disease, or even possibly early death. We are seeing how cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, intestinal and reproductive cancers are all on the rise, and all of them are connected to a diet that consists of too much animal protein.

If you love eating meat and fish, then it is recommended that you consume no more than 4 to 6 ounces daily. Make sure that you are buying fresh wild caught fish and grass fed organic meats. It is also recommended that you take plant based digestive enzymes when you eat meat, so that it will enable you to digest the meat completely, increase fecal elimination, and prevent enzyme exhaustion in the body. Refer to other articles like, “Enzymes and Digestion;” “What are Enzymes and Why We Need To Supplement Them;” and “Enzyme Deficiency Caused By Eating Too Much Cooked Food;” on to learn more about the role of enzymes and health. Also, click on the link below to learn more about Core Health Products and why digestive enzymes can help you in weight loss and better digestion!!

To Health, Vitality, and Longevity!!


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