Archive for the ‘Health Articles’ Category

The Hidden Dangers of Consuming Dairy!

        You have heard it said from television ads and doctors that, “You mustconsume one to two glasses of milk daily, to get the calcium you need for strong bones and teeth!” The question that still needs to be answered by the medical and nutrition community is, “If milk is so good […]

Myths Concerning Athletic Performance

  If you have spent any time in the health and fitness field, chances are you have heard about what it takes to get bigger, faster, and stronger. Professional athletes are bigger, faster, and stronger today than they ever have been in histories past, however, many athletes today spend more time recovering from injuries, and […]

Never Diet Again!

When you turn on your television, chances are you will see an advertisement related to weight loss. There are many diet fads out there for you to choose from, however, these programs are only designed for weight loss; not for optimal health, and for the prevention of disease. These diet programs are based on a […]

The Five Core Essentials for Health and Longevity!

(As you read the article you can click on the images to learn more) In the modern world today, we are experiencing a health crises that involves more and more people being diagnosed with auto immune diseases, cancer, degenerative diseases, heart disease, diabetes, etc. What most people may not know is that most of these […]

Reducing your risk of heart disease

Dr. Beth recently wrote that Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and Canada. Most of us know someone who has suffered from cardiovascular disease.Lifestyle factors play a major role in reducing your and your family’s risk of stroke, heart disease, and other cardiovascular problems. That’s why I tell my patients […]

Tower Talk: Growing Our Own, with Tim Blank

  My associate, Dr. Beth Ley had the opportunity to recently read about Tim Blank (whose bio is available here). Her article is reprinted below: I would like to share with you the amazing Tower Garden, and some of the reasons why it’s fun, affordable, and worthwhile to begin to grow your own produce. In […]

Drinking Kangen Water When You Are Sick!

Drink Kangen Water when you are sick! When you get sick, don’t take sugary acidic drinks! Drink Pure Alkaline Water to replace Electrolytes. by KANGEN WATER on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 9:49pm You Must Stay Hydrated!!The human body consists largely of water — muscle tissue, for example, is a surprising 75%. In the course […]

Enzyme Deficiency Caused By Eating Too Much Cooked Food

One of the major pieces that is missing in the conversation when it comes to the root causes of disease is “Enzyme Deficiency.” There are multiple threads when it comes to what are the root causes of disease, albeit, enzymes and food are most often overlooked! So we will discuss what is an enzyme, where […]

What are Enzymes and Why we need to supplement them!!

Probably the most overlooked puzzle piece in the health and wellness industry is the emphasis on enzymes. In fact, the wellness industry is not talking about it much at all. The wellness industry is constantly looking for the next best product to put on the market to help people with energy and vitality. However, we […]

Why pH Balance the Body!

Why pH Balance the Body! Why pH Balance? by KANGEN WATER on Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 11:52pm Our blood pH should ideally by 7.365. At this slightly alkaline pH level our bodies function optimally, but like gravity, we are continuously pushed towards acidity from the food we eat. Even if we consume perfect food, […]