Ounce of Prevention
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“We all have to die from something sometime” is the prevailing phrase used today to justify, ignore and outright deny the horrifying reality that today, more than any other time in history, the human population is suffering and dying from chronic, degenerative diseases that hardly existed nearly a century ago and diseases which are completely preventable when adhering to a lifestyle based on the principles of the Gerson Therapy.
In 1900 the incidence of cancer was 1:50. Today it is 1:2 in industrialized nations based on the simple fact that our modern society refuses to live in harmony with the Laws of Nature. Statistics show that, today, the average lifespan of a woman is 77 years of age while it is 72 for a male. With that in mind, the typical person, after retiring, will enjoy less than 10 years of life before they leave this earth and they likely will not enjoy those ten years at all as those ten years will be spent consuming mass amounts of unnecessary pharmaceutical drugs and undergoing numerous surgeries to combat whatever degenerative disease ultimately leads to their unnecessary, early death. So the issue is not, “We all have to die from something sometime” but rather the issue becomes that of quality of life and longevity and by following the principles of the Gerson Therapy as a lifestyle of prevention, one can enjoy both on levels once only dreamed of. At 85 years of age, Charlotte Gerson (last-living daughter of Dr. Max Gerson) enjoys life with energy levels, mobility and mental clarity equal to women half her age. Dr. Norman Walker, creator of the Norwalk Juicer utilized at our facility, lived a life based on the principles of the Gerson Therapy until he died at the age of 117. It is well known that up until his death he was still splitting his own wood daily.
The human body was designed to live healthily up to 120 years of age. Whether you are in your youth, middle-aged or retired, the Gerson Therapy, as a lifestyle of prevention, can guarantee the highest quality of life far beyond that of ones peers and while many of our clients come to have their chronic or “terminal” diseases reversed, we have a large clientele that comes for the sole purpose of changing their life by learning how to apply the principles of the Gerson Therapy. It is time and money wisely-spent.